Motor Vehicle Accidents & Workers' Compensation
Site Specific work to injured areas
Primary Focus:
Provide personalized attention and focused work to ensure your recovery and rehabiliation is as quick and complete as possible.
We feel that it is important to make high quality techniques and manual therapy services accessible to those whose physicians feel that they need such treatment, especially after and accident or injury. For this level of treatment, you will need a prescription or referral from a medical professional.
What to Expect:
Initial evaluation and assessment of you, isolated treatment to your areas of concern and discomfort, charting of medical notes throughout your treatments with us, consultations, billing, and accounting.
Treatments are done to adjust proprioceptive activity and levels of resting tension through stretches and muscle contraction with resistance. We will provide a comprehensive assessment and maintain in-depth progress tracking.
When you Schedule:
If you were in a motor vehicle accident, we request that you have your attorney send us a letter of protection. As of July 1st, 2018, we are no longer able to strictly bill your auto insurance withour a letter of protection from your attorney. When you call to schedule please let us know you were in an accident and the date of the accident. We'll need the name of your attorney and their contact information as well as your claim number, insurance company, your claim manager's name and contact information, and the referral from your doctor.
If you have a Workers' Compensation Claim, we would be honored to be a part of your wellness program, if your doctor believes a referral would be beneficial. We are more than happy to reach out to your providers and to assist you in obtaining an authorization for treatment from our clinic.
Our Rates:
Evaluations are based at customary insurance rates and can range from $50 - $70 per 15 minute unit. Our rates are based on and derived from a National Fee Analyzer and calculated according to the New Mexico area's adjustment factors. Our rates fall within the range of UCR (Usual, Customary, and Reasonable). They are within the industry standard for the level and quality of service that we provide. It is legal, ethical, and common practive to provide a discount for payment at time of service, which negates the need to spend hours billing for, tracking down, and collecting payment for services. The Medic Group offers a discount per unit for payment at the time of service. This is a common practive in primary care medical offices as well as massage therapy clinics.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please call and speak with our account manager or treatment coordinator.